A rich girl, Lili (Anna Fonsou), hangs out with a group of young people who violently contest the established rules and values. Lili also despises her sister (Viveta Tsiouni), and her hatred drives he...
A rich but spoilt young woman named Mary (Aliki Vougiouklaki) bets with her father (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) that she can “catch” a distinguished sculptor named Thanos Sotiriou (Alekos Alexandra...
Thanassis (Kostas Chatzichristos) is an earnest and goodhearted taxi driver whose girlfriend (Martha Karayianni) is pressuring him to marry her. When an uncle of his from America gives him an expensiv...
The film takes us on a night out in Athens, with Thymios (Kostas Chatzichristos) in the role of the guide and commentator. Songs and dancing from music halls and night clubs are combined with short sk...